First Females – Who Achieved The Things First in India

First Females of India The first lady to become Miss World Rita Faria The first woman judge in Supreme Court Mrs. Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi The first woman Ambassador Miss C.B. Muthamma The first woman Governor of a state in free India Mrs Sarojini Naidu The first woman Speaker of a State Assembly Shanno Devi…

Extreme India: Colours of Tricolour Nation

Independent though she is, India must deal with extremes that range from delightful to excruciating. Presenting a country juxtaposed between centuries, the contradiction that is India. Poverty and Opulence India, a country caught between intense extremities, is home to both Antilla and to Dharavi. The Ambani’s 27-storey house, Antilla, one of the world’s most expensive…

How Babies are Made: Babies Birth

When people think about how babies are made, what usually comes into their mind is that man and woman meet, they make love and after nine months, a baby pops out. But are you exactly aware where the eggs and sperm are coming from or how do they find each other and combine creating a…